
the educational technology journal

Vol 20|No 4|March 2011
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About the author . . .

Alan Reid resides in Wilmington, North Carolina with his wife, daughter, and two ocean-loving dogs. In addition to pursuing a PhD in Instructional Design & Technology, Alan holds a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of North Carolina Wilmington and a B.A. in English from The Ohio State University. As the Lead Instructor for Developmental English at Brunswick Community College, he has developed the asynchronous online course: Reading Comprehension & Strategies. Additionally, he serves as the Vice-President of Faculty Senate for Brunswick Community College and as Secretary for Old Dominion University's Graduate Student Organization in Instructional Design & Technology.

Future research interests include enhancing reading comprehension and self-regulation skills through generative learning strategies in computer-based learning environments, and mobile learning. He is currently designing a study for his doctoral dissertation on the use of embedded generative learning strategies and metacognitive feedback in digital text and the implications for reading comprehension and self-regulation. He has co-authored two book chapters: “Integrating Twitter into a two-year community college” and “Online behavior of the social media student,” both of which deal with faculty and student attitudes and perceptions of social media in academia.

You can contact Alan about this article and about scheduling professional development sessions at alanjreid@yahoo.com

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