Building a Virtual Museum
Part Two

Copyright 1997 by Jamie McKenzie
and Archives & Museum Informatics

Building the Partnership:
Issues and Strategies

Creating a partnership between any two institutions can present unexpected challenges and issues. This may be especially true when the partnership is meant to explore new terrain that is potentially threatening to either or both of those institutions. Teachers and museum professionals can be reasonably concerned about the nature of learning during the next century as new technologies make access to information far less dependent upon place.

As families and individuals can now purchase the equivalent of Information ATMs, we may see a vast change in the way people enjoy art and history and all kinds of other types of experiences.

The partnership must address all of these issues in a forthright manner or else the project may be undermined by anxieties lurking below the surface . . .

Building the Partnership:
Unfinished Business

In February of 1997, the Bellingham Schools and the Whatcom Museum of History and Art are moving forward with plans to build ambitious museums on the World Wide Web. Because these plans will require new sources of funding, the focus is upon grant writing and seeking.

The value of virtual museums has been recognized, but the full vision of what may be accomplished remains a vision.

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