Planning Good Change - Page 23 - Next Page

First Things First

Gardening provides a useful metaphor for this process. We will see more growth if we cultivate the soil and fertilize before planting. An exclusive focus on skills and software is a bit like spreading seeds across a concrete playground.

While some maintain that reluctance to use new technologies is simply rooted in a lack of skill and confidence, there is evidence from Becker and Fullan that teachers need to be recruited. They must be convinced of the value of the new activities and then given ample time to work on teams to invent effective lessons.

In many schools, teachers are isolated from each other and preoccupied with what Fullan calls "the daily press" of getting through their schedule, focused according to Becker on state standards. Quite a few of these teachers are likely to cling to routines they have enjoyed in the past until they are equipped and encouraged to find, invent and test new routines that are suitable and reliable replacements.

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Credits: The photographs were shot by Jamie McKenzie.
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