Power Learning


American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1989). Science for all Americans: summary, Project 2061. Washington, D.C. Outlines a comprehensive approach to re-designing science instruction to prepare students for the next century.

American Society for Training and Development and the U.S. Department of Labor. (1988). Workplace basics: the skills employers want. Alexandria, Virginia. Provides an overview of the kinds of skills that are required by the Information Age workplace.

Applebee, A. et. al. (1986). The writing report card: writing achievement in American schools. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. Reports the writing achievement of students on the NAEP.

Ballard, R. (1992, October). The Jason project - sharing undersea adventure through technology. Speech presented at the annual technology and learning conference of ITTE, Dallas, TX.

Catford, L. and Ray, M. (1991). The path of the everyday hero. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc. Defines the everyday hero and shows how heroes optimizes their creative potential using 4 basic traits: observation, questioning, faith in creativity and open-mindedness.

Crawford, L. and Molder, S. (1992). "Innovation in an integrated middle school curriculum: systems thinking, a way of looking at our world." Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. Reports the results of a middle school project employing systems thinking in conjunction with computer models.

Frye, S. (1989, May). "The NCTM standards--challenges for all classrooms." Arithmetic Teacher, 9, 4-7. Outlines the implications of the NCTM standards for classroom mathematics teachers.

Ga CotÈ, R. and Diehl. (1992, June). "Searching for common threads." Byte, 290-305. Explores the future of text searching software programs and how they will shift the way we store and process information.

Henkoff, R. (1992). "Where will the jobs come from?" Fortune, October 19. Projects employment trends into the next decade.

Hope, S. (1990). "Technique and arts education." Design for Arts in Education, 6, 2-14. Explores the benefits and pitfalls of new technolgies in the Arts Education field.

IBM. (1992). Science Success Stories. Describes school programs that have made effective use of IBM's science-related technologies.

Jones, L., et. al. (1992). The 1990 science report card. NAEP'S assessment of fourth, eighth, and twelfth Graders. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Mandinach, E. and Cline, H. (1992). "The impact of technological curriculum innovation on teaching and learning activities." Paper presented at AERA. Describes the reaction of various types of teachers to the kinds of changes required by the introduction of systems thinking and computer modeling programs. Outlines strategies to enhance success.

Mandinach, E. and Cline, H. (1992). "The implementation of technology-based curriculum innovations in classroom settings: perspectives on methods and designs." Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. Explores research design issues resulting from the organizational change associated with the introduction of new technologies to school settings.

Martin, W. (1980). "Citizenship results from National Assessment." Educational Leadership, 1, 39-40. Reports disappointing results on the NAEP assessment.

McKenzie, J. (1991, June). "Measuring results: what happens to student writing with the word processor?" From Now On. Demonstrates that word processing can significantly alter the way students reason and express themselves, but only if teachers come to understand how the new technology promotes flexibility and attention to more than mechanics.

Moore, B. (1992). "Music, technology, and an evolving curriculum." NASSP Bulletin, 544, 42-46. Outlines the potential of new technologies to support school music programs.

Morrissett, I. (1981) Social studies in the 1980s. A report of Project SPAN. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Describes the predominant practices characteristic of American social studies classrooms.

Naisbitt, J. (1982). Megatrends: ten new directions transforming our lives. New York, Warner Books. Identifies major trends influencing social change during the past decade.

National Alliance of Business. (1987).The fourth r: workforce readiness. Washington, D.C. Clarifies the kinds of employees business will need during the next few decades and explains what schools might do to meet those needs.

National Council for the Social Studies. (1989). Charting a course: social studies for the 21st century. Washington. Provides a curriculum to prepare students for the next century.

Postman, N. (1992). Technopoly. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Criticizes the unthinking and uncritical manner in which the society and schools have embraced new tchnolgies. Calls the influx "cultural AIDS."

Schwartz, B. (1991). "The power and potential of laser videodisc technology for art education in the 90's." Art Education, 3, 8-17. Discusses the advantages of videodiscs in supporting arts programs.

Schwartz, P. (1991). The art of the long view. New York: Doubleday-Currency. Explains the techniques involved in scenario-building.

Senge, P. (1990) The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization. New York: Doubleday/Currency. Outlines strategies to build organizations which are committed to constant growth, improvement and change, relying upon systems thinking and organizational development.

Toffler, A. (1990). Power Shift. New York: Bantam Books. Explains how influence is shifting to those nations and organizations with the most talent at utilizing information.

White, M. (1984). "The electronic learning revolution: questions we should be asking." Prospects: Quarterly Review of Education, 1, 23-33. Promotes the importance of critiquing new technolgies and teaching students visual literacy.

Zuboff, S. (1988) In the age of the smart machine. New York: Basic Books. Reports on the introduction of information technologies in various industries, explaining benefits and problems associated with such change. Coins the term "infomating" to refer to information systems elevating human skills.

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